areoatsglutenfreeI have been gluten free for about 10 years now – and there is still debate about the ability for gluten free people to eat oats.  In short – the answer is no – they are not. Here is what the Celiac Society of Australia has to say on the matter…

“Gluten is the name given to the protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats. It is a composite name representing gliadin in wheat, hordein in barley, secalin in rye, avenin in oats” – Source:

Can they be tolerated?

Personally as a gluten intolerant person I find my body doesn’t seem to react to smaller servings of oats (1/2 a cup) but when I eat it in larger quantities I get tired and bloated – but this seems to happen with any carbohydrate.

I try not to have them all the time, but in truth I still use them sometimes in overnight oats, or raw balls.

Do you still eat oats? or are they on your naughty list?