soy products

I have had a number of people on the website ask me the following question:

“Is There Gluten In Soy? I know that there is gluten in soya sauce… but what about soy itself?”

This is a very common question and it really depends on the product. Wheat is used as a thickener in soya sauce, along with teriyaki sauces etc. and is a common ingredient in Asian cooking.

Soy protein is naturally gluten free – but that does not mean all soy products will be.

Check labels.

I have found a number of soy milks, bars, and flakes to be gluten free so there really is no hard and fast rule.

But some also contain barley, maltodextrin of thickener (derived from wheat or corn).

When in doubt simply read the label 🙂

Tamari is a type of gluten free sauce – that tastes just like soy – but be careful – not all tamaris are created equal and some brands sneak wheat in there – it is normally found in the Asian section of your supermarket/ or with the other soya sauces – remember always to read labels.

Found a brand you love? Struggled with gluten free labelling? Share your gluten free soy stories by utilising the comment box. We would love to hear from you