My question is Has anyone had a cramping full bladder feeling as a symptom of GI???
2 years ago i began to have a full bladder feeling and a desire to urinate This was diagnosed as rinary Tract Infection even though I did not have the burning sensation that usually goes with a UTI. 

Urine tests had inconsistent results sometimes showing infection sometimes coming back clear. Antibiotics gave relief only for the symptoms to return when off antibiotics, Just after these symptoms first appeared I was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and was treated with Chemo for 6 months During this time I had no UTI type symptoms. I am now guessing the Immune system was low so was not fighting the Glutens.

I began to experiment with diet and tried low acid foods then went to no chemicals or artificial Living on just fresh foods mostly then I noticed that Pasta and Breads made me have attacks. So I tried Gluten free and this has worked except for times when I make mistakes with food choices which is very easy to do when first learning to go GF 

My doctor agrees with my finding but because of other health issues I will not be having the Biopsy of the small intestine to confirm Celiac Disease