gluten free one year

I’m 22, and I’ve been recently diagnosed coeliac. 

But I’m wondering how vital it is for me to go gluten free right now. I have an overseas trip planned for the end of the year, in which I would really rather not try and go gluten free, it seems like so much extra effort. 

My only symptoms have been vitamin deficiencies (iron and B12), so I’m slightly fatigued sometimes, and I don’t feel sick at all when I eat gluten. 

So how much difference would another year of eating gluten make? Will these deficiencies get worse? Am I risking permanent damage by doing this? 

I tried to ask my gastroenterologist about this and he was extremely unhelpful, told me to go gluten free right away, but did not answer any of my questions or explain anything, just flicked me off to the nearest dietician, who I can’t get an appointment with for 3 months. 

Any help or advice would be most appreciated!