gas pain

Hi all,

So, I’ve been reading a few posts this evening. A lot of your stories sound similar to mine, so I’m hoping I can get some clarification or even a sounding board…

I’m 27 and for the past 6 years I’ve suffered from gastrointestinal symptoms, including chronic bloating, diarrohea (followed by constipation), occasional pain, burping, flatulance, blah, blah, blah. The last 18 months my symptoms have progressively got worse…Lately, my stools have become greasy and foul, leaving a slick of oil in the toilet bowl. 

I also have a lactose intolerance, bruise easily, Vit D deficient, and experience joint pain in my fingers.

Anyway, I’ve taken the blood tests for celiacs two times, and both time they’ve come back negative. In 2006, I underwent a gastroscopy with two bioposies, the biopsies identified “mild immflamation” with a presence of plasma cells and lymphocytes but I was cleared from celiacs, because my villi was still in tact.

So, I guess I’m wondering if it could be possible that I was experiencing celiacs in its early stages in 2006? From my research I understand that villous atrophy is the last stage of celiac “destruction”.

My specialist is very ‘old school’ and is convinced that blood tests are 100% accurate and therefore I do not need another endoscopy…but I’m so sick of feeling this way and I would love another opinion. 🙁

Any feedback is appreciated.