Corn Chips and Kerens Summer Salsa
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  1. First you have to hunt out some good corn chips with are gluten free at your supermarket (do not be fooled - sometimes wheat makes its way into the flavoring or the chip itself).
  2. Once you find some corn chips you need.
  1. Tomatoes (2)
  2. Red onion (1/2 Diced)
  3. Coriander (fresh)
  4. Lemon (juice of one lemon)
  5. Garlic (1/4 teaspoon diced)
  1. Mix and allow to marinate in the lemon juice for a few hours (even better the next day).
  2. This is also amazing on pizza's, baked potatoes, toasted sandwiches, in wraps.... just about anything.
  3. The secret is the fresh coriander.
Gluten Free Australia