corn dog muffin

Gluten Free Mini Corn Dog Muffin Recipe
This recipe is a little odd but makes the cutest little corn dogs you will ever see. The mixture is a orgran packet mix which is a little sweeter then I preferred but once I mixed the muffins with mild american mustard and tomato sauce it was that great sweet and sour balance.
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  1. 1 Pack of Organ Cornbread Mix
  2. 1 Pack of GF Cheese Kransky's (cut in half if they are to long.
  1. Grease your muffin tray with butter or spray oil.
  2. Mix up the corn bread mix according to the instructions on the back.
  3. Place a large spoonful of cornbread mix in the bottom of the loaf/muffin tin
  4. Add a Kransky (or half depending on how big they are.
  5. Spoon in more mix until the Kransky is completely covered
  6. Bake according to the instructions on the pack for cooking cornbread.
  7. Serve with gf tomato sauce mixed with gf mild american mustard.
  8. Great for a snack or with salad for a fun meal.
  9. I think if I made these again I would use my own cornbread recipe so it was not so sweet.
  1. I use my mini loaves tray which had 8 small mini loaf sized spaces
  2. Pre heat the oven to the temperature mentioned on the pack
Gluten Free Australia