chicken loaf

Dave's Aussie Chook (chicken) Loaf
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  1. 1 Breast of chicken diced
  2. 1 Hand full of diced ham (GF)
  3. 2 Cups of rice crumbs (GF) or bread crumbs for non GF version
  4. 1/2kg Chicken sausages (GF) skins removed
  5. 1 Small onion finely diced
  6. 1 tsp of ground sage (add more for personal taste)
  7. 1 1/2 tsp of thyme (add more for personal taste)
  8. 6 Rashers of bacon (GF ) rind removed
  1. Combine all ingredients mix well
  2. Line bread bake tray with foil, layer bacon across foil. Add loaf mix to bake tray push down to compact, wrap rest of bacon around loaf mix and cover with foil.
  3. Turn bake tray over and place on oven bake tray cook at 180c for 1 1/2hrs.
  4. Remove bread bake tray and foil cook forced fan to crisp and brown bacon.
  5. Allow to cool slightly as easier to slice. Great for cold meat sandwiches or as a roast dinner.
  1. ENJOY,
  2. Dave
  3. feed back is welcome :
Gluten Free Australia