roast vegetable salad

Gluten Free Roast Vegetable Salad Recipe
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  1. 6 Large Potatoes
  2. 1 Red Capsicum
  3. 1 Green Capsicum
  4. 2 Zucchini
  5. 2 Onion
  6. 2 Carrots
  7. 4 Big Mushrooms
  8. Olive Oil
  9. 1 Block of Feta
  10. Salt and pepper
  11. Pesto (optional)
  1. Remove the skin from the pumpkin and chop all of the vegetables into large chunks.
  2. Place the vegetables in 2 roasting dishes and cover with oil.
  3. Season with salt and peper and cook for 1 hour.
  4. Serve in a bowl with chunks of feta and season with pesto.
  5. You can also add chunks of gluten free sausages to this recipe for some protein.
  6. * chickpeas would also go well with this salad.
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