Bacon and Egg SDTry this delicious little salad for breakfast, lunch or dinner. A great way to get greens in in the morning… although breakfast food is often tastier at dinner time.

Gluten Free Bacon and Egg Salad Recipe
I just jumped into Thomas Dux Grocer In Sydney and picked up some yummy treats for a winter salad full of flavour for two
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  1. 2 Eggs
  2. Sprinkling of Feta
  3. 2 Large Rashers of Bacon
  4. Lettuce
  5. 1 Brown Onion
  6. Oil for the pan.
  1. Making the salad
  3. In a small pot place the two eggs and fill with cold water then place on the stove and turn up to high. When bubbles start to form on the bottom of pot you want to start timing and cook for 8 minutes. Remove eggs from heat, rinse twice then place in a bowl full of cold water (to avoid that grey ring).
  4. While your eggs are cooking, Chop bacon rashers into pieces cook. Put aside.
  5. Chop one brown onion and fry until soft and they start to brown, add a tablespoon of water to deglaze the pan and help make sure the onion is steamed through. Once cooked Combine with bacon and put aside to cool.
  6. Grab a plate, Pile on lettuce, feta, Onion and Bacon.
  7. Remove the shell from the egg and cut in half. The yolk should be a little runny and act as a great dressing for the rest of the salad.
  8. Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!
Gluten Free Australia